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5 Questions Every Human Need to Ask Themselves (Every Single Day)

I spent a couple of minutes staring at my reflection in the mirror this morning.
Just imagine you have a mirror in your hands.
Now, I’d like you to stare keenly at yourself in the mirror.
Carefully run your eyes through your lips, forehead, nose, and your face in its entirety.
- Do you like the person who is in the mirror?
- Are you proud of the choices the person in the mirror makes on a daily basis?
- Do you like the way the person in the mirror relates, converses, and treat people?
- Does the daily actions of the person in the mirror add value to his/her life, and that of others?
- Even when no one is watching, do you think the life of the person in the mirror is worth emulating?
If you answered ‘Yes’ to any of those self-realization questions, you’re on the right path. In other words, you’re safe.
However, if you answered ‘no’ to anyone of them, do you think there’s something you can do to make everything better?